Independent Age in the News

i News

Ex-nurse and IA media volunteer speaks to i News

Thabani Sithole, spoke to i News about her experience of financial hardship in later life following a period of illness that forced her to retire. She explains that after initial feelings of shame, she eventually reached out to Independent Age who helped her get the benefits and Pension Credit she was entitled to. Now that she has some degree of financial stability, Thabani wants to speak out to ensure others don't suffer in silence due stigma. You can the full story here.

The Mirror, Birmingham Live, Birmingham Mail

Pensioner couple living in 'appalling' rented home

As part of our event announcing IA's renewed focus on financial hardship in later life, we told the stories of several financially struggling older people across the country. Among these was Rajia and her husband, who live in 'appalling' rented accommodation. The property has fallen into disrepair and has a rat infestation but the landlord refuses to make any repairs. The couple feel unable to leave due to their financial situation and the ill-health of Rajia's husband. The story was picked up locally by Birmingham Live and Birmingham Mail (print) and nationally by The Mirror .

The Mirror

Pensioners forced to skip meals

The Mirror covered two more of the case studies revealed at IA's renewed poverty focus launch event. Gwenda and Yvonne both spoke to the Mirror about how they must make dangerous cuts to their eating habits due to their finances. The article cites statistics from IA's most recent report 'The hidden two million' which suggest that nearly 1 in 5 older people avoid socialising due to costs. The article includes a comment from Director of Policy and Communications -  John Palmer, along with a call for any older people struggling to reach out to IA's helpline. You can read the story here.

Daily Mail, Daily Record, Times Radio, LBC

Coverage of IA's renewed focus launch

Following the launch of our renewed focus on financial hardship Independent Age received over 320 media mentions in print and online. We also had 1,450 broadcast mentions across 369 stations with a reach of more than 16 million as a result of a radio day organised with several key IA spokespeople and media volunteers. National coverage highlights include Times Radio, LBC, the Daily Record and Daily Mail onlineYou can read our press release here.

Third Sector

New CEO to join Independent Age

Charity news outlets covered the announcement of Independent Age's new CEO  - Joanna Elson CBE. She will be joining IA in September after 17 years at the debt advice charity the Money Advice Trust. With a strong track record in working with people struggling with their finances, Joanna is well placed to lead Independent Age as it moves into the poverty space. You can read our full press release here.

Scottish Daily Express

Scottish celebrities support call for OPC

As part of our Older People's Commissioner campaign in Scotland the IA made efforts to secure Scottish celebrity support. The campaign got endorsement from Singer Barbara Dickson OBE and the actors Gregor Fisher and Barbara Rafferty. The article includes quotes from the celebrities voicing their support for IA's campaign and an extended comment from Debbie Horne, Scottish Public Affairs and Policy Manager. The story has since been picked up by several regional Scottish print newspapers.

The Mirror

2 million older people cut heating last winter

Following the broadcast of Britain's Forgotten Pensioners: Dispatches, The Mirror ran a story focusing on a study carried out by National Energy Action for the Dispatches probe. The research found three in five over-65s used their heating less than usual - and one in five went to bed early to stay warm last winter. IA's John Palmer was the lead quote in the article. You can read the story in full here.

Channel 4

IA features in Channel 4 documentary

Britain's Forgotten Pensioners: Dispatches, follows three sets of pensioners across the winter months of 2022 and 2023, as cold snaps combined with high heating and electricity bills make life uncomfortable, lonely and dangerous. The documentary makers worked with IA to use recordings of the IA helpline to illustrate the issues faced by older people. You can read John Palmer's statement about the show here.