Independent Age in the News

Daily Record, North Edinburgh News

Energy price rise unmanageable for many

Morgan Vine, Head of Policy and Influencing at Independent Age, released a comment about the increase of the energy standing charge and its effect on older people on low incomes. It is estimated that one in three households will face higher bills between October and March. Independent Age is calling for an energy bills social tariff that would include those on low income over 65. The story was picked up in Daily Record and North Edinburgh News.


State pension forces older people to ration food

iNews spoke to Independent Age media volunteer Yvonne ahead of the expected promise from the government to uphold the triple lock next year. Reliant on her state pension income to survive, Yvonne talks about feeling isolated and restricted during her retirement. The article includes a comment from Morgan Vine, Head of Policy and Influencing, in which she emphasizes the huge impact the cost of living crisis is having for those on fixed incomes in later life. Read the full article here.

The Sun

Thousands still missing out on Pension Credit

Following the latest release of Pension Credit caseload statistics, Independent Age put out a statement through Morgan Vine - Head of Policy and Influencing. The Sun picked up on the story and included our quote. The article welcomes the 32,000 increase in older people receiving Pension Credit between November and February 2023, but expresses concern over the tens of thousands of eligible people still missing out. Read the full story here.

Mail Online, The Independent, Daily Mirror, Daily Express

Better support needed for minoritised older people

New research from Independent Age shows that older people from minoritised ethnic communities are being let down when it comes to escaping poverty, as language barriers, government mistrust and a lack of effective promotion of financial support stand in their way. Poverty amongst Asian and Black older people is approximately 10% higher than the national average. Morgan Vine, Head of Policy and Influencing at Independent Age, is calling for more targeted support to help these groups. The story got coverage in over 200 articles in national and regional press. Channel 5 News also invited a Morgan Vine and IA media volunteer Thabani Sithole to discuss the issue live in the studio. You can read the full story in Mail Online or The Independent.

Mail Online

Low-income pensioners struggling to pay broadband

Following coverage in several regional outlets, Mail Online ran a story on our call for broadband providers to promote their social tariffs more clearly. The call follows research that suggests 1 in 5 older people are struggling to pay for broadband, and that many are going without as a result. The article uses several statistics from Independent Age's research and urges people to check their eligibility for social tariffs.

i News

People without internet shut out of banking

Media volunteer Maggie Haggas cancelled her internet and phone contracts due to her financial situation – she says many people struggle to access banking because they can’t afford to go online. She spoke to i News about her situation and says the mass closure high street banks branches has made it very difficult to bank. John Palmer, Director of Influencing and Engagement gave a comment to i News, stating that more needs to be done by banks to accommodate people who aren't online. Especially in the light of recent research by Independent Age which found that almost one in three older people in financial hardship are worried about being able to pay their broadband bill over the next six months.

Mail Online, The Independent, Evening Standard

Government must do more to protect renters says IA

Independent age signed an open letter penned by the Renters’ Reform Coalition urging the government to do more to help renters who are facing huge rent hikes amidst the current cost of living crisis. It points out that the government has been swift to bring legislation to protect mortgage holders, and delayed in providing any help for private renters. We are named as signatories alongside other organisations including Shelter and Citizens Advice. The article has featured in hundreds of regional outlets and many nationals including Mail Online, Evening Standard and The Independent.

Northern Echo

IA highlights couple's poverty plight

 Two of IA's media volunteers Carol and Wilf featured in this Northern Echo article. It tells their story in their own words though extensive quotes. The article covers IA's renewed focus on financial hardship in later life, mentioning our latest report ‘The hidden two million’ and including the accompanying documentary that shows the lived experience of older people in financial hardship. The piece includes a comment from Baroness Julia Neuberger, chair of Trustees at Independent Age. Read the full story here.